Author name: mechavarri

Nanoelectronics, Advanced Materials Fabrication, and Bio-Electromagnetism Simulations: CNR's Contributions to Tackling Neurological Disorders

Nanoelectronics, Advanced Materials Fabrication, and Bio-Electromagnetism Simulations: CNR’s Contributions to Tackling Neurological Disorders

META-BRAIN is setting the stage for groundbreaking advancements in brain therapeutics and interfaces. This ambitious vision demands the latest technologies and the collaborative action of researchers across diverse fields, blending insights from experimental data and computational predictions. Key to achieving META-BRAIN’s goals is the expertise of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Italy’s premier public research institution, renowned for its excellence across a spectrum of disciplines.

Ciber: Exploring Graphene's Potential for Recording Brain Activity (META-BRAIN Project)

Ciber: Exploring Graphene’s Potential for Recording Brain Activity

To effectively execute an innovative project like META-BRAIN, aimed at achieving precise control over brain activity patterns through the novel application of remote magnets and ultrasound technology, a highly interdisciplinary team with solid experience is essential Hence, the project consortium comprises leading expert organizations from fields such as neuroscience, theoretical modelling, nanotechnology, new materials, and clinical practice.

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