New experimental tests unite five partners of the META-BRAIN project

New experimental tests unite five partners of the META-BRAIN project

A few weeks ago, researchers from partners GTEC, IDIBAPS, ETH Zurich, IEIIT (part of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), and CIBER met at IDIBAPS to conduct a new series of experimental tests for the META-BRAIN project. The primary objectives were:

  • Testing Novel Hardware and Software: To test the new magnetic stimulator and software platform developed by GTEC, designed to control magnetoelectric nanostructures for precise regulation of brain activity.
  • Investigating Neural Modulation: To study the principles, mechanisms, and effects of magnetoelectric nanoparticles on neural network function, thereby exploring their ability to stimulate and modulate cortical activity.

GTEC’s advanced magnetic stimulator and software platform

GTEC presented and tested a new hardware device developed specifically for the META-BRAIN project. This included a powerful magnetic stimulator capable of generating strong magnetic fields, accompanied by a custom-designed coil tailored to fit into the electrophysiology chamber.

The new software platform provides the ability to generate different types of stimuli, including sine waves, pulses, and complex waveforms such as amplitude modulated signals at different frequencies. It provides the flexibility to create both simple and complex stimulation protocols.

In Vitro experiments on animal cortex

The researchers performed several types of in vitro experiments:

  • Nanoparticle Behavior and Flow Dynamics: Observed how nanoparticles disperse, agglomerate, and move within Petri dishes and interface chambers under various conditions, including the influence of liquid flow.
  • Electrophysiological Recordings: Introduced cortical samples into the interface chamber and recorded neural activity using multielectrode arrays and graphene transistors, both with and without nanoparticles and external magnetic fields.
  • Magnetic Stimulation Tests: Stimulated the nanoparticles within the cortex using AC and DC magnetic fields, testing various stimulation protocols to assess their effects on neural activity.

Collaborative Contributions

  • The IDIBAPS team, led by Maria V. Sánchez-Vives, Alex Suarez and Nathalia Cancino, designed and managed the experiments, recorded the registers and collect the data to be analysed by them.
  • Elric Zhang transported from Switzerland the nanoparticles fabricated by ETH Zurich and collaborated in the experiments.
  • Stratis Matsoukis from GTEC provided and operated the magnetic stimulator, custom coils, and essential software for the experiments. He also analysed the recordings to evaluate the electromagnetic fields generated.
  • Marta Parazzini and Marta Bonato from IEIIT compared the experimental measurements with their computer simulations, finding strong alignment and estimating the necessary magnetic field values to activate the nanoparticles.
  • Antón Guimerà from CIBER contributed to the experiments by providing essential equipment for electrophysiological recordings. CIBER provided graphene arrays, while GTEC provided amplifiers and software for these arrays.

Principal Investigator from the coordination team, Maria V. Sánchez-Vives commented, “This collaborative effort has been highly productive and will significantly contribute to the key milestones we aim to achieve, including developing a closed-loop system enabled by Artificial Intelligence”.

The META-BRAIN project is dedicated to exploring magnetoelectric nanoarchitectures and ultrasound technologies to develop treatments that can precisely regulate and restore neuronal activity.

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